Tuesday 30 April 2013

Welcome to Cray Sydney Adventure

Welcome to the blog of five university students in Sydney

This blog is designed to share information about popular tourist places in Sydney.
We are a group of five Asians from different countries and cultural backgrounds, but we have one common interest-TRAVEL.

The background picture is the night scene of the Sydney Harbor Bridge- the typical Sydney landmark.

The layout of this blog is designed to be user friendly, two columns are used to navigate your visit in this blog.
The major column you see from the page is the actual blog posts, we did not use too many colors in the blog and try to keep it as simple as possible ,because we want you to focus on the contents.

The right hand side column is where all the gadgets are listed:
1.Translate this blog- we  prepared this  for the international visitors in this blog, non-English speaking background users are also very welcome here.
2. About Me- allows you to get some basic information about who we are and what we do.
3. Daily Calender-assists you to find the dates easily
4.Search this blog- If you want to search a post in this blog, use it

The colors of this blog are matching the background scenery, which creates a shiny purple toned atmosphere at night. White is used for the title, sharp purple for the gadgets' links.

We will be updating information and pictures for the popular travel places in Sydney, we will also post our travelling experience as a group later on. Stay tuned with us !!!!

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