Saturday 4 May 2013

Sydney's Royal Botanic Garden

If you love animals, insects, plants,  and all those stuff, then you should definitely visit, The Royal Botanic Garden.  It is located near Circular Quay and the best thing is that it’s free entry.  It is a prefect place for you to relax, take a stroll, or even to have picnic with your family.

The park boasts more than 7500 species of  plants, and spans across 30 hectare area, filled with vibrant green color. Some of the plants there are more than 100 years old.
 The park is easy to navigate around. There are a lot of signs and symbols that shows where things are. But if you feel you need so, there is a guided tour of the garden every 10:30 am, starting form the visitor’s area in the palm grove center in the middle.

The best thing is that its located in Circular Quay, next to the Opera House and The Harbor Bridge. That way, it is perfect for tourists, or if you are just sight seeing around the CBD. Hit 3 landmarks in one go….. The also have a New Year events there held every year. It is said to be one of the “best” location to see the fireworks.

During Summer, they also have an “Out Door Cinema”. It is free, and is a romantic experience to watch outdoor under the stars.  Ohh, and it is also free….

The best thing about this garden, is that its is open 24/7 except for Christmas day and good Friday, and it is free to enter… not to mention the great view of the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House.

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